Thursday, March 24, 2011




Myopia – short sight, the inability to see at a distance
Astigmatism – when there is an uneven stress pattern on the cornea
Presbyopia – the need for reading glasses as you age
Eye-coordination – when the eye points beyond or closer than the object of interest
Anisometropia – when the two eyes have different degree of myopia or near sight
Ambiyopia – also known as “Lazy Eye”, a condition where the brain suppresses the input from one eye
Strabismus – or squint, when one eye diverges either in or out

You can regain your clear natural eyesight by vision training that does not involve any expensive equipment or any invasive procedures.

Offers 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee

This natural remedy will help anyone who wears glasses or contact lenses regain crystal clear vision quickly and easily. You will never have to waste your time and money going to the optician ever again!

It has been scientifically proven that wearing glasses actually aids the deterioration of your eyesight. By wearing glasses your eyes get used to seeing the world through glasses and become unable to focus properly on their own. Using glasses teaches your eyes to get worse at focusing.
This means that the more you wear glasses the more your vision will deteriorate.

If you don't want to be kept in the dark any longer, if you don't want to spend your life being sold a lie (and expensive glasses), if you want to know THE TRUTH about how you can correct your eyesight without glasses or surgery than this book will tell you everything you need to know.

Bonus 1: How to Test Your Own Eyesight from the Comfort of Your Own Home
Bonus 2: Supercharge Your Eyesight In 15-Minutes While Watching TV
Bonus 3: Your Goal Setting Guide - Improve Your Success Through Goal Setting

Duke Peterson

Bonus offers include Dr William H Bates “The Bates Method for Better Eyesight Without Glasses”

There's a revolutionary procedure to correct vision defects and improve your eyesight, many doctors don't know about. But, the truth is, those professionals familiar with the technique feel that disclosing vision enhancing practices to clients goes against their ‘financial' judgment.Instead, what happens is doctors continue to prescribe glasses and contacts that do nothing but ensure over time, your eye muscles get weaker and you continue to be dependent on purchasing corrective wear for the rest of your life. But, what ophthalmologists fail to tell you is your vision gets worse each time you slide your lens handle over your ear.

If you're thinking about getting lasik eye surgery, then you know on top of the thousands of your money you'll invest in the procedure, there's still uncertainty about the long-term effects. What you might not know is on top of huge investment you'll pay, you'll also be bothered with inconvenient doctor visits for months after the treatment. Not to mention the media's exploitations of lasik surgery that should down-right frighten you.

In Vision Without Glasses™ you'll be taken by the hand, just as I guide my patients, as I walk you through a series of fun, eye relaxation techniques. Besides simply learning how to use the Bates method, you'll also see that I've developed his original sight improving concept into an innovative method that's far more advanced in helping you see sharper, clearer, in only a few, short weeks.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Increase Your Energy, Burn Your Fats More Efficiently

If you are like most people, your body does a good job at storing energy in the form of fat. But your body may not be as good at converting that fat back into energy. Even if you're active, your body sees fat as an asset that it won't give up easily.

When you start to work out, your body creates a chemical called adenosine that inhibits the conversion of fat into energy. Adenosine is a natural by-product that can slow fat-burning and eventually halt sustained activity. It may be keeping your body from using the fat you want to lose. Adenosine also promotes lactic acid buildup - causing fatigue and muscle stiffness.

There is an energy bar that stops adenosine from taking effect. When you eat this great-tasting energy bar 15 minutes before you exercise, your energy levels will soar and you'll burn fat - both vital for reaching your fitness goals. And to top it all, because of reduced lactic acid in the body, there is less or no muscle stiffness after the workout.

This energy bar is the first and only patented Fat Conversion Activity Bar for enhanced workouts and reduced body fat. It works by naturally blocking the energy-sapping effects of adenosine. Muscles use less sugar and more stored fat for energy. It gives you greater endurance with less fatigue. This energy bar turns fat into fuel, working differently from other energy bars.

By eating one of these energy bars on an empty stomach 15 minutes before exercising, you will have readily accessible calories for your body to draw on, which kick-starts your workout while still allowing the processes that help unlock the stored fat to activate. This results in a more enjoyable workout because you feel more energetic and sustained.

Many of my friends have commented that I seemed to have shed my excess fats around my tummy, and also wonder at my sustained energy levels during my sports trainings, when everybody else who are less than half my age, seemed to be all tired out. Well, the secret to that can now be revealed. I take the energy bar 15 minutes before I start my training. Yes, it's that delicious chocolatey bar my friends see me munch on just before my training and competition matches start. And I'm not the only one doing it - top Olympians are also tapping on this patented nutrition that turns fat into fuel. I've also passed some of these energy bars to my friends to have a try, and they have all attested to its effectiveness.

If you want to know more about this energy bar or Fat Conversion Activity Bar, and how you can get your hands on this great product, get in touch with me.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

There is a TRIED AND PROVEN strategy for earning BIG online and now (very limited) you can watch over the shoulder

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There are a lot of empty promises out there and the latest greatest schemes - but they are all 'DESPERADO' territory and no one is makeing anything back except the shady guys behind it.

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To your success,

Pierre Boudville

P.S. - If you still manage to grab one of the last copies of the F*R*E*E Training system - Put it to use straight away. This information is like a staked out, claim ready, gold mine - All you need to do is pick up a shovel and dig... Go to it before you are too late.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Help for Skin Problems

Over 180 million people around the world suffer from severely dry skin. According to research, about 20% of Singaporean children aged between 7 and 17 had eczema. (The Straits Times, 28 May 2009)

Dry skin can irritate you, embarrass you, and control you. Discover the calming peace of this clinically proven moisturizing lotion to make your skin become softer, smoother and better hydrated - and stay that way. It is clinically proven to work faster, better and last longer than the leading dermatologist-referred lotion. It works in two ways: keeps skin healthy and prevents dry skin when used daily, and relieves severely dry skin associated with chronic skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis.

The product contains the key ingredients Glycerin and Allantoin, as well as a special soothing and penetrating tree oil to help soothe away dry and itchy irritation.

Glycerin is derived from palm kernel and oils and helps soften skin, allowing skin to breathe and helps the skin heal itself. It can also help with wound healing. It helps to increase your skin's natural protection against moisture loss and attracts just the right amount of water to your skin cells so that they stay properly hydrated.

Allantoin is derived from the herb comfrey, and helps to pull moisture into the skin and form a protective shield against moisture loss. For centuries, the comfrey root and leaves were used as a wound-healing medicine. Allantoin promotes skin cell regeneration.

During a clinical study of this moisturizing lotion, a pool of study candidates who showed signs of eczema was selected. Their untreated skin was first photographed, and after 14 days of using the product, the skin was again photographed to measure improvement after use.

For more information about this skin moisturizing lotion, you can contact me.

Care for your Vision

Nearly all of us will experience some form of age-related vision loss during our lifetime. Watching your little ones blow out the candles on their birthday cakes. Witnessing the ever-changing beauty of nature. Gazing upon a fine work of art. There's so much in life to see and appreciate. However, it appears that these kinds of precious moments become less clear as we age.

Your eye, more than any other organ, is constantly exposed to elements that can induce free radical damage. Excessive exposure to the computer, exposure to UV rays, air pollution and aging are some of the contributing factors that may affect your vision. Your quality of life is greatly affected by the quality of your vision. Maintaining eye health can be possible. Certain nutrients can significantly help fight free radical damage, maintain your ability to see clearly, and help you focus close up.

For powerful vision protection, I recommend this vision supplement which contains a blend of lutein, blueberry, bilberry, vitamin C and zinc to help protect your macula and lens - eye structures that tend to need extra nutritional care as we age.

Lutein - Helps protect the eyes from light-induced oxidative damage
Blueberry - Helps improve night vision and relieve eye strain
Bilberry - Helps support and strengthen the capillaries of the eyes
Vitamin C and Zinc - Provides maximum protection from free-radicals damage

The lutein extract from this supplement comes from the marigold plant which is 20 times higher than spinach. It goes through 2 purifying steps instead of one to ensure that your eyes are getting the full eye-health benefits.

Blueberry is called the "vision fruit" in Japan, and has a reputation for relieving eyestrain. Blueberries may also help improve night vision and help your eyes adjust to bright lights.

Bilberry is known as the "European blueberry", and have long been reputed to improve night vision. It also helps to maintain the strength of tiny blood vessels in the eyes.

For better eye care, I would recommend the taking of this vision supplement. To know more about this product, you can contact me.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Delivering Personal, Physical, Financial & Environmental Wellness

If you believe that one of the best things that can ever happen to your life is waking up each day and not having the need to report to the office to work, then log on to this website.

Learn how you can work flexi-time from home and using the power of online and offline internet marketing to market daily-use home products that are safer, more economical and environmentally-responsible. Partner with the world's leader in referral shopping, the only 24/7 online catalogue and supermarket chain in the world that truly cares about its customers by sharing its revenues each and every single month with them around the world.

Log on to and attend a free seminar to learn how to earn a reliable and profitable second source of income with virtually no risk!

The company's mission is "To enhance the lives of those we touch by helping people reach their goals."

Turn shopping for eco-friendly daily essentials into a profitable work-from-home business!

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Glocosamine & Healthy Joints

Jason had been the athletic type, but a string of sports injuries damaged the cartilage in his joints and left him with two bum knees and a bad elbow. The diagnosis: osteoarthritis (OA) - a crippling, painfully, and usually permanent condition. When several surgeries and taking high doses of anti-inflammatory pain medications failed to fix the problem, Jason almost gave up hope that he would ever be active again.

In his search to learn more about OA, Jason discovered that a promising treatment for OA had been used in parts of Europe and Asia for decades, involving supplementing the diet with an inexpensive nutrient called glucosamine. Glucosamine is a substance which occurs naturally in the body and is necessary for building the cartilage which cushions the joints.

Research dating back to 1959 showed that 95% of 1,208 participants in a study, who took glucosamine daily, reported that pain was reduced and mobility increased, with no significant side-effects, and with a continuing benefit 6 to 12 weeks after they stopped the supplement. In another study, microscopic examination of the cartilage before and after treatment showed it had been at least partly repaired. In yet another experiment, glucosamine was compared with a commonly prescribed anti-inflammatory pain medicine. By the end of the study, those receiving glucosamine experienced significantly greater mobility and freedom from pain than those receiving the pain medicine.

Jason began taking the supplement himself, and within 2 weeks, he felt significantly better. Later clinical examination showed that his damaged cartilage was actually repairing itself. To end this story, Jason is actually Jason Theodosakis, M.D., or Dr Theo, as he likes to be called, who is a respected and well-known physician and lecturer in preventive medicine who has trained extensively in exercise, physiology and sports medicine. Dr Theo began giving glucosamine to his patients and the results were impressive. He says, "I've helped hundreds of people either eliminate the need for surgery or greatly reduce the effects of osteoarthritis."

Approximately 16 million people in the US have OA, a painful condition also known as degenerative joint disease. It is the most common form of arthritis, mostly affecting middle-aged and older people. OA is characterized by pain and loss of movement in the hands and weight-bearing joints, such as the knees, hips, feet and back. What's alarming about OA is the fact that most people over 60 show to have it on X-ray, but may not have actual symptoms yet.

The standard treatment for OA involves the use of anti-inflammatory pain medications which only mask the symptoms and do nothing to correct the underlying cause. In fact, regular use of painkillers may actually accelerate the degeneration of cartilage, making the problems worse. When taken regularly, common pain medications have significant side effects like gastrointestinal bleeding and kidney or liver damage.

By contrast, glucosamine has no significant known side effects. It does not mask the pain, but works to help repair damaged cartilage - the root of the problem. Glucosamine relieves pain by helping to restore and normalize joint functions. Most people begin to notice a difference in about 2 to 6 weeks after beginning to take glucosamine. They they are able to wean themselves off the pain medicines.

There are several different types of glucosamine. The 2 most common are glucosamine hydrochloride (HCL) and glucosamine sulfate. However, glucosamine HCL is purer, more stable, and delivers more of the beneficial glucosamine than the sulfate version. And glucosamine HCL has the added benefit of being less expensive.

I had my own problems with OA with a right elbow that had been overused in sports over the years. The medical specialist prescribed me painkillers and clinical glucosamine and told me to avoid playing sports that would make my injury worse, including some of the sports activities that I loved. The painkillers took the pain off temporarily but they and the prescribed glucosamine did not have any long-term or noticeable effect.

Earlier this year, I switched to using another glucosamine supplement. Each dose of this product delivers 1,500 mg of research-recommended glucosamine HCL (the more absorbable form) to help keep the joint cartilage "well-oiled", promoting the function of molecules that provide joint strength and elasticity, and also enhancing cartilage production to help support freedom of movement. In addition to glucosamine, the patented formula also contains a 315 mg blend of bromelain, ginger and green tea. These 3 natural ingredients help fight free radicals for healthier joints. They also improve glucosamine absorption.

After switching to this glucosamine product, my right elbow has improved so much. The pain is gone and there is so much better range of movement. I am able to continue taking part in the sports activities that I love and that has been really great.

And now, the newly-launched Extra Strength formula comes with the following:
  • Chondroitin - structural component of cartilage that provides resistance to compression.
  • MSM (methysulfonylmethane) - an important building block of connective tissue that helps keep joints strong.
  • Manganese & vitamin C - essential nutrients that help promote the formation of new cartilage.
  • Patent-pending botanical blend - natural ingredients that soothe and comfort joints.

If you or your relatives and friends have joint problems and want to know more about these glucosamine products, get in touch with me.